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Back-to-School Sunday

Summer may be over, but the fun is just beginning. Join us for Rally Day and Back-to-School Sunday. We'll be unveiling our new fall formation/fellowship offerings, introducing you to all the great groups at Holy Trinity, and sending students, teachers, and everyone back to school and work with a blessing. You won't want to miss it!

8/10 AM - Back-to-School Sunday & Blessing of the Bags

At these two services, we'll commission students and teachers as we send them back to school and work, and we will bless their bags as a sign and seal that the Holy Spirit goes with them

9 AM - Rally Day

Stick around in-between the two services to hear about all our groups and offerings for the coming church year. From the Episcopal Church Women to Men's Ministry, to Altar Guild and Choir, come to hear about what Holy Trinity has to offer. Refreshments will be served!