Weclome to the Redesign!

Hello Visitors, Curiosity Seekers, and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Welcome to the new-and-improved Holy Trinity website! We have updated a lot of the features and aesthetics of the site in an effort to boldly proclaim our mission:

To PROCLAIM the Good News of God's grace to everyone.

We hope this website is a good and tool for you to experience God's grace, answer any questions you might have, and help find the ways in which God is already transforming your life. Click and around and see what you think. To leave feedback, go to the "Contact & Location" page, and fill out the form. We'd love to know what you think.

If you're new, head over to the "I'm New!" page for more information and thanks for stopping by!

Welcome to the re-design; we hope you like it.

In Christ,

The Holy Trinity Website Team